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Follow your personal style don’t follow Fashion!

Fashion is surely every girl’s dream but each one has a different personality. Find your personal style!

II believe our personal style it’s a peculiar feature, a “sixth sense” that is inside us since our childhood, when we look at what we like, free by friends, media and social’s conditioning.

Have you ever asked yourself what style is yours? When you was a child you were sure of what you wanted or not: everything was easier. You said simply yes or not, smiling or crying.

looking for fashionable details

Growing up however, this special skill is completely conditioned and sometimes disappears at all. It’s absorbed and shaped to make you in compliance with the society, with the crowd.

You have to respect aesthetic standards you haven’t chosen, but you have absorbed by your friends at school, by TV stars, influencers, famous singers, magazines and so on.

The first person who decide our outfit is obviously our mum. She buys first clothes when we can’t talk and we sit in our stroller. Similarly aunts and grandmothers dress an undress us like a doll.

Finally, when we are about 3 years old, we start to understand our personal taste, our favorite color, what we like to wear.

looking for your style

It’s the age of our strongest whims. I still remember a summer afternoon when my mum wanted I wear a delicious pair of patent leather sandals for a birthday party. Since then I’ve started to throw clothes everywhere shouting and I didn’t stop.

I had a nervous attack on all important events: exams, wedding parties, my degree … Yes exactly, my degree because my mum has tried to teach me what to wear till the end!

Consequently the result was a complete disaster: I made a terrible mess combining my mother’s suggestions and the desire to buy what my friends had. My personal style didn’t exist at all and it wasn’t easy finding a solution. At this point it could be useful getting a look at Cinzi Felicetti’s book!

cinzia felicetti

First of all every girl is a specific type: there’s the classic type who loves elegance, the romantic type who loves floral print and pastel colors, there’s the sporty type who prefers comfortable clothes and natural make up..

If you are a sporty type for example, it’s useless wearing frills and bows. On the other hand, if you are a classic type you can’t wear cargo pants and combat boots: you’ll never be confident with yourself and with other people.

You need looking for your personal style therefore go back to your childhood, when you were free from external influences. You have to understand what you really like and what makes feel you good.

Nowadays all trends can be mixed together, realizing original and unique outfits: it will be fun playing with your style looking for what is good for you.

You can be sporty or romantic, punk or classic and you can mix different styles if you like them. 

It’s important you decide by yourself, respecting your personality. At the beginning it can be difficult and you need trying and trying, but at the end you’ll find your unique style and it will be amazing!

Unless you stress!


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